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How Often Should I Talk to My Financial Adviser?

Meeting with your financial adviser is an important aspect of managing your investments and ensuring a sound financial plan. But how often should you meet with a financial adviser, and what factors might influence the ideal frequency of these meetings? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the role of a financial adviser in managing your wealth and address several key questions that can help determine how often you should meet with them.

The Role of a Financial Adviser

A qualified financial adviser can provide invaluable assistance in helping you create a comprehensive and tailored investment strategy, estate plan, tax planning, and more. Their goal is to help you achieve both short and long-term financial goals so that you can reach your desired level of security and comfort.

Financial advisers tend to focus on three primary areas:

  1. Investment management
  2. Estate planning
  3. Wealth management

These professionals are typically certified financial planners (CFPs) or possess similar qualifications related to providing sound advice on personal finances.

How Often Should You Meet With Your Financial Adviser?

The ideal frequency for meeting with your financial adviser depends on several factors, such as:

  • Your current life stage
  • The complexity of your financial affairs
  • The degree of help needed from your adviser

For many individuals, meeting with their financial adviser at least once a year is considered adequate; however, some may require more frequent check-ins due to an evolving set of circumstances or needs.

Life Events That May Warrant More Frequent Meetings

Certain times or events in life may prompt the need for additional meetings with your financial adviser:

  • Major financial decisions (e.g., buying property or starting a business)
  • Inheritance or receiving a large sum of money
  • Loss of a job or significant change in income
  • Marriage, divorce, or other changes in living circumstances
  • Retirement planning

During these pivotal moments, it’s essential to reassess your financial plan and make adjustments as needed.

Managing Your Money to Good Use

Some individuals may be more hands-on with their investments, preferring to track their progress and make adjustmentsregularlys. For these individuals, quarterly meetings with their financial adviser may prove beneficial in keeping abreast of market changes and adapting their investment strategies accordingly.

However, meeting too frequently can become burdensome rather than useful, especially if you’re paying for each meeting or if the adviser charges an hourly rate for their services.

Communication is Key

The most significant factor in determining how often you should meet with your financial adviser is communication. It’s essential to maintain an open line of communication with your adviser, ensuring they understand your goals and objectives while helping you navigate any changes that may impact your finances.

It’s also crucial to remember that circumstances can change quickly – so don’t hesitate to reach out to your adviser before making major financial decisions or if you’re simply feeling unsure about the current state of your finances.


In summary, there is no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to meeting frequency with a financial adviser. The ideal frequency depends on several factors, including your life stage, the complexity of your finances, and how actively you want to manage your assets.

For many people, once-a-year check-ins will suffice; however, others may find more frequent meetings helpful due to evolving circumstances or a desire for increased oversight over their wealth. The key takeaway here is that open communication between you and your adviser will enable you both to work together effectively towards achieving your long-term financial health.